This morning two turban clad men(actually it was towels but they have a very intricate way of arranging their hats)were squatting in our garden, curiously looking at Didi(our feisty live out cook and cleaning lady), R from our team and Suno our driver climb into the steaming hot jeep. Being locals, Didi and Suno don't seem to be that bothered by the sun even when it is well past 40 degrees. And today was a big day as Didi has asked us to please take her with us to the airport as she had never seen it.
First I found this a bit strange, how could she not have seen it? It is only an hour away. Then I realized that of course, being a mother of five, not having a car or the economy to be away for a day maybe it hadn't occurred to her to even consider doing it alone. Nowadays, I see her house as I look at other houses made out of mud. Nothing special. If you don't have money for a brick house, people build their own houses with whatever building material they can find, even dung.
After two month here in the Midwest things start to take on that glow of normality that occurs when I have stayed in a place for a while. I still do not understand what is so bad about saying no or I can't do it, but rather saying yes and not showing up but maybe I will. I do appreciate the little things more now, having a functioning fridge(ours had an accidental near death experience involving a couple of sharp knives and a hole of leaking freon)but these things happen and today two silent Nepali repair men with a doctors look alike bag worked in the kitchen and now it is working again! Hallelujah!
I also enjoy all the baby animals(generally to the great amusement of the owner). Why is she playing with the baby goat? Does she want to buy it? Eat it? Sacrifice to the Gods?
Talking about eating. There are some rumors floating around about people eating owl here. Hmmm....never thought of that, why not? There are also rumors of people eating cat but I choose to believe that is only a rumor.
1 kommentar:
Keep up the good work girl!
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