I have one follower.
It is hardy inspiring but I am guessing that more people read my blog as I am getting small proof of feed back. Maybe my blog is not as interesting as one of them fashion blogs. The ones that gets updated a couple of times a day when a famous person drinks another latte.
Anywho...Dasain, the long(8 days)hindu holiday worshipping(and fearing)the Godess of death, destruction but also creation has passed and three days ago we entered the Tihar holiday that I in my naivity thought would be a little bit quieter.
No such luck.
During Dasain the tradition(modern version)is to not only have music playing around the clock from the temples but also to loop a Hindi movie around the clock, full volume. Yes, the place of worship thus also serves as a semi-outdoorsy kind of movie hall where you can hang around with your friends. Let's just say that the sound got to me after 8 days in a row. There is a lot of crying and drama going on in Bollywood productions.

Tihar is a different animal altogether. Laxmi, the Godess of wealth is invited into peoples houses by different means and coaxing. She is lured by sweets and the inhabitants of the house paints a red mud path to the goodies(fruit, food, candy etc)outside and thereby inviting wealth to enter the house and stay.
Tihar also offers a chance to worship(in order):the crow, the cow, the dog and yesterday was "young brother day" or Tikka day(tikka is the word for the red blobby thing of rice, red paint and a blessing to be stuck in between your eye brows in a ceremonial way). During young brother day, older sisters give tikkas to their brothers and the brothers give the sisters presents, money or things.
This is all good. The not so good thing is the custum of kids roaming around at night, going from house to house, singing and often bringing a Boom Box to accompany them. VERY LOUD. Very loud at 2 pm indeed. And honestly guys, Laxmi probably hear you anyway, even if you are not making the rest of the neighbourhood deaf.
1 kommentar:
2 pm ok, 2 am NOT ok!
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